Hi guys, iosmk here and i'm back with a great magic card here. There you go, a de-synchro.
De-synchro シンクロキャンセル --> normal magic card
Select 1 face-up synchro monster. Return it to its owner's Extra Deck. Then, if all the monsters that were used for the Synchro Summon of that monster are in your Graveyard, you can Special Summon them.
Basically, this is a very great card, but sometimes people may forget some of the rulings of this card, whereas if any of the monsters that was used as a material has been used as another material of another synchro monster, you can't special summon them back. That's why for those who don't know about the exact ruling and just anyhow special summon, i guess those people need to check the rulings, since it will be imbalance if you can just anyhow special summon those materials.
Move on to the adv and disadv....
Advantages =
1. It is a spell card, which means its a compulsory evacuation device for synchro monsters.
2. You can special summon the materials back.(We will talk about the combos later).
3. It says,"select 1 synchro monster and return to its owner extra deck." Which means opponent synchro monster can be selected.
Disadvantage =
1. You need to know the exact ruling since this card will be broken if the ruling changes.
Note= for the ruling of this card, you may go to google.com and type de-synchro card ruling and check it on yugiohwikia.
Combos =
1. Synchro summon something like trishula, de-synchro, and trishula again. So you can get the effect twice.
2. Synchro summon brionac, bounce cards as much as you want, and de-synchro, synchro again to a beatstick like goyo guardian.
3. Combos with drawing power deck using tuning supporter or darksea rescue.
4. If you synchro-ed using a sangan, you can abuse sangan's effect which is to search another extra monster.
There are many other combos that can be done just by using this one card. So, this card is practically amazing in some decks like dandywarrior deck, tuningsupporter deck and other decks too. I use this card in my quickdraw tuningsupporter deck which makes my deck very strong and I won't run out of resources since i can draw so many cards using tuningsupporter and trishula or other stuffs will help me to gain more field control.
Okay, I'm done with de-synchro, well, I'm sorry that I was late on posting this review. So, see ya guys and I will be back with a trap card. Bye~
~Don't ever blame your cards and you will see how obedient they can be~
hmmm the first part was confusing but the combos looks fun