#This may not be 100% true but it's probably 90% true because it is from the Konami.jp site
Do take note that this rule will take place on 19th of March 2011. So i don't want to hear complain that someone say,"ygoonthespot says that the ruling has changed or whatever." This rule isn't applied yet, and yes, we will update you more news about this. When the rule has officially changed, we will update it and some thoughts may be shared. So just duel as usual, and just wait for the time to come.
from the OCG
The change of rule in Monsters Effect
(crappy introduction bullshit. I don't feel like translating, but relax, its not important)
Date when the rule will be changed
19th March 2011
The change of rule will be used together with the release of the new starter deck.
The change of rule
Before changed =
When a monster is normal, flipped or special summoned and it has an effect, you will have the timing when you can use your priority to activate its effect(s).
After changed =
When a monster is normal, flipped or special summoned and it has an effect, you will not have the timing and will not be able to use the effect as a priority effect.
2011年3月18日までのルールではモンスターの召喚(反転召喚・特殊召喚)という特定の行動の終了時に発動ができるとなっておりますが、2011年3月19日以降はそのタイミングでのモンスターの起動効果は発動できないルールに変更となります。(this whole chunk i'm not really sure, sorry my japanese isn't that good and i fail my Chinese... just learned jap for a few months, but anyways the main point is the change of rule so.....)
Source = http://yugioh.faq.konami.jp/EokpControl?&lang=en&event=IE0004&wid=60796&target=faq
Translated by iosmk(translation isn't that accurate, but the point is there. So just keep that in mind).Bye~
~Written by iosmk~
~Practice makes perfect!~
~Aura's point of view~
In case you guys don't understand, it means you just lack priority for ignition effects. For example, you can no longer call priority for Dark Armed Dragon's effect nor effects like exiled force's. Some may argue that Konami is making the game more simple for beginners and not making the game better for skilled player. However, others may argue that the game now requires more strategical plays. This ruling will make boss monsters like Judgement Dragon and Dark Armed Dragon more manageable
I could foresee it making the game a more skilled one. I'm uncertain, since I haven't tried using this rule, and I haven't looked into future cards really yet. It could perhaps have something to do with some of the Exceed monsters, I dunno.
This change makes Solemn Warning lose a lot of its luster, since it's now somewhat irrelevant if the monster actually hits the field (Ignoring Monster Reborn). Bottomless Trap Hole will probably replace many peoples' Warnings if they aren't already maxed out on both.
If the above prediction is correct, then it could mean big changes how we need to we need to worry about countering the opponent. Seven Tools would become a lot less necessary, for example, if Warning saw a big enough drop in play. My Body as a Shield could make a great choice, especially since people are so eager to run to Decree/Trap Stun now that Book of Moon is limited.
I dislike that konami and their recent business decisions are catering to people who cannot play the game more than they are the people who can.
I also dislike that they are seeking every opportunity to eliminate skilled play.
We lose Grepher and the likes, anything in the vein of Chaos Emperor(stupidly low cost, stupidly high reward) that can lead to easy OTKs gets shot in the foot as well.
It involves less skill with mechanics, but it DOES induce higher strategic playing in regards to when and what to play. You're going to have to read more moves and run more anti-s/t support now.
Net loss=0 in the long term. Deal with it. We'll adapt eventually.
So? It is probably up to what the individual think about it.
and yes, the banlist
Banned and Restriction List 「禁止・制限カードリスト」
Listed are only the CHANGES
Forbidden Cards 「禁止カード」:
Goyo Guardian「ゴヨウ・ガーディアン」
Cold Wave「大寒波」
Mass Driver「マスドライバー」
Restriction Cards 「制限カード」:
Black Feather - Kalut the Moonshadow「BF-月影のカルート」
Book of Moon「月の書」
Gateway of the Six「六武の門」
Semi-Restriction Cards 「準制限カード」:
Card Trooper「カードガンナー」
Archlord Kristya「大天使クリスティア」
Spirit Reaper「魂を削る死霊」
Debris Dragon「デブリ・ドラゴン」
Royal Tribute「王家の生け贄」
Overload Fusion「オーバーロード・フュージョン」
Solemn Warning「神の警告」
Icarus Attack「ゴッドバードアタック」
No longer restricted 「準制限」:
Chaos Sorcerer 「カオス・ソーサラー」
Snipe Hunter 「スナイプストーカー」
Demise, King of Armageddon「終焉の王デミス」
Dewloren, Tiger King of the Ice Barrier「氷結界の虎王ドゥローレン」
Gold Sarcophagus「封印の黄金櫃」
Skill Drain「スキルドレイン」
Ultimate Offering「血の代償」
We will pribably do a short write-up about it.
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